Valuations - Exit Strategies
A) Sales of businesses
B) Evaluation and improvement of quality data
C) Business valuations (Hotels, Food-Beverage, Services, Trade, etc.)
D) Exit Strategies
Do you know what is the best timing to decide an "exit strategy"?;
Do you know what are the quality determinants of an assessment?
Do you know how to reach strategic investors for your business?ExpertFinance knows!
- Presentation of sales purchase strategies of a company, file preparation
- Compiling valuation studies (Hotels, Food-Beverage, Services, Real Estate, artwork, Trade, etc.), by using scientifically validated methods
- Enhancement of quality determinants of the value of the business and activities for their improvement
- Support of our clients in negotiations
- Goodwill, the most important asset!
- Proposals for an optimal real estate development
- Value estimation of small works of art
- Early planning on when and how to withdraw from the shareholder structure
- Access to international networks without disclosing confidential information
- Preparing and implementing investment projects, through partnerships with expatriates, Greek and foreign stakeholders
- Knowledge of the markets, choosing the right, as appropriate, solutions